Rabu, 04 Mei 2016

Game Of Thrones Season 6: Jaime Trolls Cersei

5. Jaime Trolls Cersei

As Cersei regretted the death of his daughter, he spoke about the innate goodness her compared to her own, saying, "From breath first she was so sweet. 

I do not know where he came from. He does not like me. There is no ugliness, no envy, just good . "
Jaime emotional response to this recognition? "I know." He was basically calling her sister, the sister he maintained the same three children with, flat and jealous b ** ch, when just after he learned of the death of their daughter.

On the one hand, it's funny (perhaps unintentionally so), but on the other hand, it's also pretty damn depressing. Poor Cersei ... for now.

